Dyllan123's Profile

Member Info
Name: Dyllan123
Location: Australia
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 07 Aug 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm a non-dogmatic Pagan , which means that i worship the living Planet as my one supply of Life, Love and Reason... but i have no written rules that dictate how I "do it"... So basically Life itself is my whole palette of Gods and Goddesses... it's my one and only religion... it comes straight from the heart... I don't have very strict dogma's like most regular religions who's doctrines seem to lean more towards rules of "domination and submission" as well as the ever-popular "let's judge the sinners! " . My faith leans more towards rules of "let's have a nice life and enjoy the good things she has to offer" as well as "let's get along together without causing too much harm"