selene.0482's Profile

Member Info
Name: selene.0482
Location: Southeast US
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 01 Dec 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm Selene. In my (very) early crone years. I've been practicing/studying for 24 yrs. I follow and eclectic/green path and for most of my life as a witch, I've been solitary. Recently I found a small group of people practically in my own backyard who are also following the path and we formed a coven a little more than a year ago. I live on a farm with my adult son (also a pagan) and 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 horses and 4 ferrets (not to mention the raccoons who are half tame and believe I exist to feed them scraps from my table, the possums who scavenge around, the various squirrels, crows, a great blue heron who visits all the ponds in the area including mine, and a pair of hawks who next in my tall pine trees every year; oh, and the deer who I protect as much as I possibly can). Since we live in the western part of our state and the western part of our county, my son says that I am the Witch of the Western Woods. So that's where I got my title. I have two undergraduate degrees in Nursing and English/Creative Writing plus am halfway through my Master's degree in Communication. So, that's a nutshell...bleached to keep it clean...and hoping to make some friends.
Blessed Be!
OH SHOOT! PS. I have been reading Tarot for as long as I've been witching and that is one of my favorite things! I love DIY things but I tend to mess them up so they all come out looking like a 3 yr old did them but it's fun to try. My life isn't perfect and neither am I but I have a generous and loving heart. Now, Blessed Be!