Furyan's Profile

Member Info
Name: Furyan
Location: Va
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 03 Aug 2008
Membership: Member

Myspace: view

Personal Bio
I am interest in Body Building(no not pro) and I am a fitness junkie. I do intense conditioning drills and intense strength training. I am currently trying to make dumbbells and other tool of the trade for my for new gym. Like I said I am a fitness junkie. I also like to cook. As the fitness junkie that I am I need to learn how to cook in order to heal and build lean muscles. I don't cook like a professional chef but my meals taste pretty good! I have also take the hobby or making things. Like a dumbbell or kettbell and toys for my training. What I am here for is to learn more of energy manipulations and Telekinesis which is my main goal. I'd also like to learn magic and other things Supernatural. In fact that is my favorite show! I wish all the best of luck and tahnk you for taking the time to read.