RavenHunt's Profile

Member Info
Name: RavenHunt
Birthday: Jun 29 1983
Location: Ontario
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 23 Dec 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Not really sure what I should be putting in this section.
I was raised from birth on earth magick. Since I was a child I have had the gift of healing, sometimes it happens without me trying. I can pick up on injuries or disease just by touching your aura. I've been doing what I can to help/heal everyone I come in contact with but I can't heal myself. I suffer from something unknown to my doctors and am in constant pain so I've had to step away from contact with people for the most part. I believe in the supernatural because it's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have two familiars, one feline and one canine. I have other pets but these two I have a direct link too. My family lives very much like a pack of wolves (my mothers nick name to anyone close to her is wolf or wolfie). Hmmmm what else... My spirit name is BlackFeather, it was gifted to me by a Native elder, I am the keeper of the black feathered birds. Basically that means that I do what I can to protect and care for the black birds near my home and on my travels. My spirit animals are Raven and Wolf. My zodiac is Cancer year of the Pig. I'm pagan for the most part but I believe their are truths to every faith so I guess that make me more multi denominational then anything. So I guess thats all. I have no idea what else I should write here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Oh I am also looking for a coven but I have no idea how to find one locally.