Ohm's Profile

Member Info
Name: Ohm
Birthday: Dec 1 1994
Location: Norway
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 15 Oct 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
A young, curious person of possible Shamanistic descent who's had a lifelong passion for everything mystical, psychic and spiritual.

In the last 2 years I've dared to explore my psychic abilities alongside a close, personal friend. What I've experienced, learned and enjoyed since than has confirmed that whatever it is that's out there is real and deserving of the utmost respect.

As for my abilities; I'm an empath and sensitive. I can hear, smell, see and sense spirits. I have intuitive healing powers, and I'm able to create chi balls with my hands. Experienced with Tarot cards and (regrettably) the Ouija board.
Peace y'all