CainKarver's Profile

Member Info
Name: CainKarver
Birthday: Apr 22 1985
Location: Colorado
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 15 May 2015
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
My name is Cain and I do practice some magic, though I am not a follower in the old ways of any path. I believe that science and magic are one and the same and merely knowledge to enrich and enlighten our lives.
The way I lived my life up until around 6 years ago was pathetic and sad. I was without cause in life, nothing to give me spiritual purpose, nothing to give my life the breath of pleasure. So I started looking for a path, I found history, myth and the awe inspiring notion that the figures belonging to those ancient myths could have been real and vital...from another world.
This understanding has only been with me for 6 years and it was only within the last year that I believe I found a path that I truly enjoy and that is old Norse paganism. Can you imagine the shining city of Asgard...not in the dusty pages of a book or the minds of farming Norse villager's primitive understandings of natural phenomena but a real place?! This is what lives in my dreams every night, ever since I saw Marvel's Thor and The Avengers...I hated comics when a friend of mine insisted I see these movies...I had before then been under the impression that Marvel merely took inaccurate ideals from myth and made it into a cheap money making tool...but then I saw these movies and I thought...this is what it would be like, advanced, wonderful worlds of gods. I wanted it to be real, I wanted that witch I had been studying for 5 years to be real and the closest I got was those movies and my old historical books.
It is real is my personal view, I just have to find it.
And I will.