Julia's Profile

Member Info
Name: Julia
Location: North Idaho
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 27 Aug 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am a Solitary Practioner and occasionally my husband will observe my spell casting and has witnessed several "Recipes of Intent" come to fruition and has become a believer. My two oldest daughters are graduating college this year and have also become very interested in learning the Wiccan ways as they too have experienced positive outcomes with casting. My Sons even call me from time to time with a request for me to put together a "Recipe of Intent" for them. I am a married Mom of 5. I have 2 daughters who are 23, a 21 year old son and a 19 year old son and an 8 year old little girl. I live in Northern Idaho near the Canadian border. Since becoming involved with Wicca my life has changed for the better and continues to move in a positively wonderful direction. I only began 2 years ago although I feel in my heart I have been doing it all my life. I just now know how to guide my power properly to get the outcome that I so desire. I findly found my home.