AbraMage89's Profile

Member Info
Name: AbraMage89
Location: Earth Ascending, Heaven Descending
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 13 May 2023
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm a magical practitioner and student of the occult. I formally started practicing magic actively at age eleven. I vividly remember a very magical childhood. I realized very early in life that witches, magicians and wizards are just flat-out naturally adept at controlling the weather, and I can testify that it usually IS the case when someone is attuned to their own innate magical power. I believe that humans are a perfect combination of the heaven and earth, and are capable of awakening and using supernormal abilities and powers through the use of specific formula. There is literally no limit that you cannot surpass, due to your DNA. We have thousands of chakras and meridian points, which are vortices of yin and yang energy running all throughout your bodies. What many poeple are not aware of is that we have not just 7 chakras....but 13! Why are modern day witches and wizards not able to access our innate supernormal powers, besides esp? Why can't we fly, and teleport and shapeshift yet? Perhaps it is because of the emphasis on just 7 chakras, and not on the whole totality of the light bodies themselves. When I was little I perceived a vortex of force in my minds eye. This would cause me to trance out automatically. Maybe this is a clue. This is why magic is so vitally important to the world in my opinion. Also, if you don't believe that you can walk through a wall or flying, then you have missed a major opportunity in physical mastery, which is part of the reason we chose to incarnate here..to perfect this Great Work.