Unawaken's Profile

Member Info
Name: Unawaken
Location: Florida
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 13 Jan 2009
Membership: Contributor

Myspace: view

Personal Bio
Hello my Name is Kairin. Im 16 years old and on my first year of being a Wiccan. Though joining just recently ive realized two things. One is that ive been into this my entire life (that means im 15 years experienced o.o Whoa), and two as a minor I can barely practice myself being a Wiccan. Story of my life so Far: Ok i was born into a Christian family (I question the goddess why, but i guess she has her reasons). I was raised a christian and was never really into my religeon even though i constantly attempted to get into it. Then one day i stumbled upon a book in my local library. It was titled "Wiccans and Witches" A complete Idiots guide. So i grabbed it and began to read; I was hooked instantly. So now Im here typing, one year later, a full wiccan with a slight pride problem. My father (the major christian) is completly unaware that im Bi and a Wiccan. I fear neglect and shun. Luckly i live with a mother who would be at my side at any time. Anyway if you guys want to talk, then just drop me a message saying Hey and put a conversation starter (Im not so good with em). Well thanks for reading my profile! Blessed be Kairin-The Unawaken