GoldenOrb's Profile

Member Info
Name: GoldenOrb
Location: United States
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 11 May 2018
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Celtic Witch and fairy. My family moved to the states from northern England in 1960. I was born here shortly afterward. As a child I could move small things with my mind, and bloom flowers by touching. I vividly remember this blooming tea roses on a bush in my backyard. I often know when a person will die, but have found it frustrating as the premonition is not under my control. If I know, I know, if I don't, I don't. Also, even when I know, I have been unable to change the outcome. I have had an infinity for magic and fairies. I cast spells and seem to work, some more then others. So as I have entered the 5th decade of my life I wish to finally learn more about what and who I am and gain more knowledge, and control.