Riona's Profile

Member Info
Name: Riona
Location: CT, America
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 16 Dec 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
i am 14, 5'5.5", weigh 96 lbs. My witch name is Riona, my human name is Erika. i am Norwegian, and i was raised with norse mythology as bedtime stories. i have a dog, cat, ferret, gecko, and four goldfish, but i used to have more pets, and am planing on getting more. my favorite subjects are environmental science, all other sciences, my advanced geometry class, and other math classes. i tutor kids when they need help. I speak spanish and english, and am trying to teach myself Japanese, French, and German. i have a job at a wild animal rehabilitation and care center, and the animals seem to like me. i usually put of homework to the last minute, meaning when class starts. i love animals, and my computer. i like to read, IM, and watch anime. i have long brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, people seem to think i'm a vampire. i am very bad at spelling. someone told me that i'm a indigo child, whatever that is. i have this strange ability to talk to some of my friends while we're asleep. also, alot of people say i'm pretty. i'm straight, and currently have no boyfriend. so, anything else you want to know, that i would answer, message me.