snowl's Profile

Member Info
Name: snowl
Location: Figuring myself out
Last Seen: Mon, 02 Apr 2018
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hey there! I'm snowl. Hmm, a little bit about me...well, for starters, I am a fluidflux individual, meaning I could be one of six genders at any given time: girl, boy, demigirl, demiboy, bigender, or agender. I love snowy owls, and my spirit animal is a snowy owl named Zara, who looks a lot like the owl in my profile pic. My abilities include seeing the future, controlling the wind (little bit) and fire (also just a little bit), seeing spirits, and basic spellwork. I can also see auras, and if I try, I could probably see others' spirit animals. I don't bite, so feel free to email me! I am very friendly, and I will try to give you advice. Also, if you request one, I will make you a spell.