Jeshika's Profile

Member Info
Name: Jeshika
Location: Japan
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 26 Nov 2011
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I don't adhere to any labels. I know what I can do and I study for pleasure. I enjoy studying a range of topics and I am well travelled and I love having a job that allows me to do both. If you're going to message me, please have the courtesy to adhere to the following: 1) Please use correct grammar and spelling because i dnt hav tym 4 fkwits wat cant evn take tym to typ prply. 2) Don't jump in with "Do you have a spell to make me fly/get my boyfriend back/control someone's mind/ defy physics/generally fix my shitty little life while I sit back and bitch and moan?" I won't reply to those. I am a very friendly person and I enjoy messaging people from all over and I am happy to take the time to do that with you. Just please be polite about it. Also, I'm not going to give out any private info until I feel comfortable giving it to you. Thank you.