AntoniaDeane's Profile

Member Info
Name: AntoniaDeane
Location: Australia
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 07 Jan 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I come from a long line of gypsy women who have through the family lines practiced magik and devination, we have also had family members turn away from magik. from an early age I have had visions in my dreams telling me exactically whats going to happen be it the birth of a child, the death of a person or everyday things like grades on school work, lost car keys etc. I practice reading tarot and runes interchangebly as i feel connected to both my tarot and rune sets they are where i am at all times. I am beginning to branch out with my spell casting mainly healing spells at present as i've felt drawn to these firstly but i would like to branch out with my abilities and see where it takes me.