Transmagic13's Profile

Member Info
Name: Transmagic13
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 10 Aug 2021
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I`m 15 years old, and transgender female to male (I identify as male, though born female) and after a long break, I`m getting back into magick and Celtic paganism Magick to me is a number of things. It's about supporting your soul, your utmost desires and beliefs. It's about supporting the gods and goddesses who created life for all. It's about helping others, not only yourself. Currently, even though I`m extremely new, I`m currently working on using spells to help me find myself, at least a little bit of myself, then I plan on working on protecting myself and others around me. ------------------------------------------------------------------ More about me: I have now turned to a mix of spirituality and Paganism to help my soul. I have now more been able to feel a divine source flowing through me, but I dont know what it is. I know I`ve had a past life, maybe another one before my last one, but I`m still trying to remember it. It's my desire to find myself, in all ways possible. I believe there's "good" spirits, and deities, as well as "bad/negative" spirits and entities, and there`s more than one god, and there are goddesses too. I got to keep this a secret from my Catholic dad. I`m a crystal child. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other than this, I enjoy reading, anime, manga, and art.