FurrTrex's Profile

Member Info
Name: FurrTrex
Birthday: Jun 2 1979
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 30 Sep 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
My name is FurrTrex, I am 6th generation green witch, not one who does money magical and luck, but one who studies both the light and dark side of magick keeping harmony and balance.
My Craft Heritage is Celtic-Iberian, coming from my maternal side of the family, through the Gypsy heritage of Andalusia in Southern Spain, Galicia in Northwestern Spain, and Bahia, Brazil, where my mother's part of the family had immigrated to in the 1700?s. Without excerpting my books on my Family Tradition, here are some bits of information you might find helpful in understanding what the Green Craft is about.

The traditional Goddess of my family is Bendidia, or Bendis, who is the Thracian Goddess of the Dark Moon. She holds a twig in her hand to show the way to Underworld, and hence to new life. She is the Goddess of Magic, Secrets, Occult Wisdom, and is the ancient Goddess of Witches. But She is also the Goddess by any name, and is the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. There may be a connection between Her and Hecate, since Hecate was originally a Thracian Goddess before adopted by the Greeks and called a Titan by them, and both give passage to Underworld. The God of my family is Shiva, but He is also the God by any name, and is the Triple God of Youth, Father, and Sage identifiable with Dionysus, Cernunnos, Frey, and Herne. He is usually depicted dancing in a ring of fire, or sitting upon a dais, horned with a sheaf of wheat between the horns, and surrounded by animals wild and domestic, or sitting upon a tiger skin in meditation. These images show Him as the Lord of the Cosmic Dance, Lord of Beasts/Wildwood/Harvest, and Great Ascetic. He is Horned Hunter, Greenman, Lord of Light, Lord of Shadows, and Wed to the Triple Goddess. As the simple stone called the Lingum, He is the God of Fertility--the One who seeds the Earth and the Universe. Yet over the years, other aspects have come into my home and heart, so it is no surprise to me that the Tradition is embracing other imagery within my own family. This is because the Craft is alive, and like all living things, it grows. To do otherwise is to stagnate and die.