ShaunasAngl's Profile

Member Info
Name: ShaunasAngl
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 30 May 2020
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
31 year old female here, new to Magick. I am not sure which type of Magick I practice or whether it would be in my best interest to even choose just one.
I am just learning about Wicca and it seems as though Wicca is what I've been practicing so far, but then again I can't be so sure.
My interests (so far) are Candle Magick, Meditation, and possibly Quantum jumping (I've heard it can be dangerous!).
As of this year I am beginning to learn how to use my energy and the energy of the universe to get the things that I want in life.
I am so excited to learn from each of you!