lightdevils's Profile

Member Info
Name: lightdevils
Location: USA
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 24 Jun 2023
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Bios are always interesting creatures, where we tell others about ourselves... I was in the US Navy, and arrived at my first command in Japan on Sept 7, 2001. That was a rather rocky start, to be sure. Mainly via the Navy, I've been to 4 of the 7 continents: Africa, Antarctica, and South America are the only ones left. Trust is slow and hard to come by. But once you have it, there are few limits to what I'd do for you, ranging from being a witness for you in court, to fighting a (small, maybe 30 sq ft?) forest fire. But betray that trust, and all bets are off. I've "dabbled" in a variety of things, over the decades, ranging from Christianity, esp (like reading objects), to "honing my intuition." I'd like to say I'm more than a novice, but life happens. What brings me here? I hope to join an Coven, or a few. On the more personal level, I'm trying to get my boys out of an abusive household, and the courts and "justice" are slow. These people, years ago, were responsible for a 4 year old's death. Now, my 2 year old has lead poisoning, and I'm turning back to this knowledge, to prevent more harm to my boys.