Pharmakeus's Profile

Member Info
Name: Pharmakeus
Last Seen: Fri, 10 Jan 2025
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

Hail and Blessings,

I am Pharmakeus, but you may call me what you wish as long as its no curse or slander. I have studied and practiced the occult for over twelve years and consider myself to be a sorcerer . The reason for this is my practice focuses heavily on the usage of divination, spirit work and craft focuses more on the here-and-now. As you have most likely noticed my username is indeed Ancient Greek in origin which sheds like on my "theme" of practice. Over the years I've found my practice taking on a Greeco-Roman flare and style, leading me to re-read and delve into the classics such as the Odyssey and Illiad.

(Big Work in Progress)