help please!

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help please!
Post # 1
um im new at magick and have never done it.
Even though i have never done magick is it possible to cast spells?
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Re: help please!
Post # 2
Of course it is possible to cast spells even though you have never done magick before. It is your thoughts and will power that makes it happen. You need to focus your energy through meditation and study of the basics. That's pretty much it. All you have to do is believe.
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Re: help please!
Post # 3
Yes its possible.Find yourself one of the good teachers here that will train you in the right way,and if you are patient anything is possible....Peace
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Re: help please!
Post # 4
Merry Meet ieesha.

Yes all that has been said is good advice. Finding a magickal name is important too and also to record all your spells, rituals and findings in a book called a Book of Shadows.

You could also look at what path you want to follow too.


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Re: help please!
Post # 5
omg that is like so weird because i write my thoughts about magic inside a journal that i named shadow!!!!!!!!
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Re: help please!
Post # 6
You are a true witch lilwitch. I think you have a very wonderful life ahead of you and you have a lot of power that you need to learn how to use. I wish I had come into magick when I was young.


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Re: help please!
Post # 7
um rowan, when did you start doing magic?
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Re: help please!
Post # 8
I was in my mid forties when I started and I am now 54.

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