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Post # 1
have you ever had a spell that can kill any one you like but you can see there death in your dreams
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Re: think
Post # 2
Pardon? Come again?
to kill some one you love? Or to see some loved one die in a dream as a premonition?
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Re: think
Post # 3
I took it to mean to kill anyone you please and watch their demise within your dreams.

There are spells like that out there. I wouldn't know of the specifics. I haven't had any experience where I felt it my right to take anyones life.
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Re: think
Post # 4
Yes Healer is right. there are very very few instances in which this should ever be done.Voodoo has a spell like that I have heard. it will bring the person to your door so they can die right infront of you. A friends aunt did it years ago. But I do not know how nor do i wish to. And even If I did I would never share the info.
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Re: think
Post # 5
what i mean you killed but you see the one you kill in your dreams
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Re: think
Post # 6
Meaning you killed someone and are now haunted by them in your dreams and you are looking for a spell to stop it?

If that's the case, that would be called guilt.
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Re: think
Post # 7
no not at all i am asking if any one don that befor
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Re: think
Post # 8
As I already stated, I have never been in a situation where I felt it my right to ake someones life. So no, I have not done a spell to kill someone and watch it in my dreams.

Are there spells out there like that? Yes.
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Re: think
Post # 9
Yes,i have a rite for causing death and i have deep connection to dead and dying.

I practice necromancy.

Iv been able to have visions and dreams of death,dying,dead..

And for causing death not so sure,i mean i dont know if they died,just went missing i guess.Ask Hyena..
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