dark sorcerers coven

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dark sorcerers coven
Post # 1
To all sorcerer and ceremonial magicians the time as come for all sorcerers and warlocks to unite and i feel that its time for us to take another step to those who practice


Detailing the ceremonial art of commanding spirits both good and evil
and those who are familiar with the magical texts Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel, Ars Notoria, Goetia

this another step for us to join and practice and learn from eachother and find more knowledge those who seeks wisdom and more knowledge please reply and and to those who support us we will love for you to be our allies, let it be peace between us and war against those who judge us
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Re: dark sorcerers coven
Post # 2
You do know what Warlock means don't you. I know you think that it's a male witch. It's not. It means oath breaker. You would be interested in bringing people who break oaths into your coven?
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Re: dark sorcerers coven
Post # 3
not really just let them see what they have to do and can do it doesnt matter of the type of person in case trust me i deal with all different kinds of people around here alot so thats something i can change from them
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