Astral Entities

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Astral Entities
Post # 1
Hello,I have been searching the internet for some information and can't really find it. When i found this site i figured that you guys would be able to give me an answer. Has anyone every heard of astral entities taking human form and living among us? If so do you believe that they would remember what they were or why they came to this plane?
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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 2
Im sure there are others here with more knowledge on this subject than me,,but as for myself.I Know of humans taking an astral form,in the AP,but not the other way around..but as I said I am by no means an expert in this area.Peace
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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 3
Merry Meet Saffire and welcome to the site.

I believe that angels take human form and walk amonst us but as for having seen them I cannot say that I have. I believe that they want to keep their identiy private so that they can do their work unnoticed by us.

Hope more people post an answer as this is a very interesting subject.


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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 4
powerful demons and angels can take forms in different ways for communication and do what they most
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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 5
The reason that i ask is i have been having some very weird things happening to me as of late and they seem to be pointing to this subject. I'm not going to pretend that i think it's cool actually it's very frightening.

It started about a month ago when i had this dream that i was called to a council meeting. there were twelve members among them were 8 angels and 4 demons. They told me that i needed to go to Midgar to finish my work. After a bit of arguing between me and them, i finally agreed. They ordered me to get my symbol made for myself in one way or another so that i might be identified. the dream ended with my earliest memory of this life.

About two years ago i got a tattoo on my right forearm that has the celtic trinity, the pentacle and a symbol that i thought up in early childhood. Since having the dream, i have had at least four people notice my tattoo and give me a slight bow while saying something along the lines of 'good day my lady, i hope you are well.' Some of them have called me 'Vita' and since then, my dreams have been getting more intense. It also feels like there is something i should be doing but i have no clue as to what that might even be.

Any help figuring this out would be abso-fraggin-lutly awsome.

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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 6
It is very possible, that is where the concept of otherkin come in, it is a topic some will dispute but from my experience (whether that means something or not) are very much real. There are a couple examples, elfkin, drakonkin pheonixkin and the list goes on. They will have memories of their past lives on the astral planes as well as on some physical planes present within the multiverse concept, humans as souls, especially the older souls will also hold memories of their times in astral, the halls of knowledge, even possibly heaven and hell according to their belief structure.
In most cases on the site when someone says they are a demon, angel or dragon it means on a soul level, just wish at times they could differentiate, but hey ;)
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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 7
Is there anyway you could post a picture of this symbol? I'm very interested in this topic.
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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 8
First off Welcome. We are all here to assist you.Yes I agree with Kao.
And Meditating will help put the pieces together. I studied "Elfen Shamanic Healing" a while back. and had memories of doing it in the past immediately. all my psychic friends said the samething; "You invented the system".which means at somepoint I was elfin. And upon meditating I have had a few other glimpies of that life. So what you are speaking of is very possible.
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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 9
like kao said, it is possible. i myself have come across people like this, not always fun....

just remeber that demons and angels are not the only astral beings out there.

but yeah, otherkin are quite interesting. polytherians are still disputed in some otherkin circles though.

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Re: Astral Entities
Post # 10
I once met a being that attacked me. this was in the astral realm of course but then this cat came to my house and constantly scrached me when i got near i cast a bainshing spell for astral enities and it dissapeered.
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