Celebration for Optimisim

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Celebration for Optimisim
By: / Adept
Post # 1
Okay. First allow me some qualifiers: I am totally and completely a-political. I don't care for the stuff, don't watch tv, don't watch the news, am clueless most of the time on current events. I have absolutely no interest in politics. None.

That being said, here in the USA, there is a COMPLETELY tangible presence in the air. It is hope and excitement, and you can literally feel it. As i'm sure many of you know, this Monday is Inauguration Day, and this has sparked a reaction from my fellow Americans unlike ANY i have experienced before in my 30-plus years on this planet.

It doesn't matter who's president. It doesn't matter who you voted for and what your beliefs are. Let's keep politics out of it, and let's celebrate the fact that folks are optimistic, full of pride and excitement for the future, and are full of hope for our great country. This is indeed awesome!

On behalf of my company, A Higher Source Spiritual Supply, i am celebrating the optimisim of my fellow countrymen and women (and folks from around the world) by extending a special offer - a pre-inauguration celebratory offer (keep checking my blog/website for updates regarding my Inaugruation Celebration Offer TBA).

For the first thirteen people who follow the guidelines below, i will mail out a free sample of one of my most excellent magical Condition Oil, an oil of your choosing, absolutely no strings attached - no newsletters, no requirements to buy, no spam, nothing, just a free magical supply sample.

You must:

1) Reply at my website - no free sample messages on this post or on this site, please. Only through my website. Go to my website: www.ahighersourcesupply.com and on the Contact Page submit your request using the online contact form. Include your name, address, email, and your condition oil choice. I hand-blend almost 50 different types of condition oils. You choose the one you want - one free sample. All of the oils i make with their descriptions are located under the page of my website titled "Products," click on "Product Families," and you will see the listing.

2) This offer is only for folks who live in the United States. Sorry! I'm just not rich enough yet to afford overseas postage.

3) You MUST be 18 or older - no exceptions. If you're underage, get an adult sibling or a parent to do it for you. I cannot sell magical/spiritual goods to minors; it's illegal and i can loose my business. Lying about your age is called false pretenses, a serious felony. I take my business very seriously and i will not engage in anything that will jeopardize that. When you turn 18, contact me, and i'll be happy to sell you supplies, but until then, i'm sorry.

4) You must mention that you're from the Spells of Magic forum. I will be doing a couple of promotions, and i want to keep things straight. Include this in the notes section of your contact form along with your oil choice.

This is for one free sample of one of my almost 50 types of handmade condition oils. These oils are my pride and joy. They are powerful, made with real herbs, roots, and curios, and i think they're the best around. These are nothing like some of the garbage on the market these days, nothing but cheap, synthetically-scented, dyed perfume. I'm honored to introduce first-timers to the ranks of loyal customers, and i love receiving feedback about how my oils have helped folks obtain their goals. Here's an article from my blog detailing why my condition oils are special: http://ldygry.livejournal.com/1279.html

You will be sent an sample similar to the ones perfume come in - a small plastic baggie containing a guaze square saturated with your condition oil. There will be enough oil on the square to wear a couple of times or to anoint a couple of candles with. Your sample will arrive in the mail in a discrete hand-addressed envelope. I am not sending you a glass bottle or a vial.

For more information on how to use condition oils, please read one of my articles on my blog: http://ldygry.livejournal.com/521.html

There are no strings attached, no obligations to buy, no mailing lists, no spam, no emails, nothing. I run this business myself out of my home, and i have been crafting spiritual products and working as a spiritual counselor for years. I have no agendas except the spirit of giving.

Remember, this is only for the first 13 people who contact me through my website, with the correct information, who have chosen an oil, are 18 or older, a US citizen, and who specify "Spells of Magic" in their request. Once the 13 is fulfilled, i will post so on the forum. If you miss out, check my website (www.ahighersourcesupply.com) and my blog (http://ldygry.livejournal.com) for updates on my Inauguration Celebration Give-away.

If you decide to order supplies from me - starting now until midnight Tuesday morning - for every $10 you spend, excluding shipping, i will include one free sample of an oil(s) of your choosing. Spend 10 to $19, one free extra sample. Spend 20 to $29, two free extra samples, on up. I ship internationally.

Try an oil for free, and see for yourself!

One last note: i am not a Wiccan nor a Neo-Pagan. As such, i do not believe in nor subsribe to their ethics and other dogma as it relates to magic, ie: the Law of Three, instant karma, magical backlashs and other repurcussions, prohibitions on doing magic for others, to make a profit, love, money, etc. I think it's perfectly fine if you have these beliefs, but i do not. I love my Wiccan/Neo-Pagan friends - this world would be a kinder, gentler place if there were more of you around - but my magical practices differ.

Please don't be offended or send me hate mail because of some of the formulas that i make. You will find coercive oils on my website, oils for love and money, for dominion and control, and yes, i do make a living on my magic. I would love to discuss this further with you, give you my opinions ad nauseum as it relates to magic, karma, so-called "black" magic, the Rule of Three, traditional magic, and historical accuracy, but please send this to me privately or please start a new thread. If you think you will be upset by my magical beliefs and practices, please kindly overlook my website and this offer. Also, there are many, many oils that i make which are perfectly appropriate for a Wiccan/Neo-Pagan such as Healing, Blessing, Purification, Fiery Wall of Protection, Crown of Success, etc.

So let's cheer for hope! Hip, hip, hooray! Let's cheer for optimisim! Hip, hip, hooray! Let's cheer for free condition oils! Hip, hip, hooray!!!!

Julia (aka Lady Gray)
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Re: Celebration for Optimisim
By: / Adept
Post # 2
As an update, the 13 smaple limit has been lifted. It's free samples for all as the promotion is in full gear through Monday evening!

Thanks for your interest!
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Re: Celebration for Optimisim
By: / Adept
Post # 3
I'll revise this to folks from Canada too (they're probably just as excited!)!!
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Re: Celebration for Optimisim
Post # 4
Yes indeed we are!!
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Re: Celebration for Optimisim
By: / Adept
Post # 5
This is the last day of the promotion. Kind thanks for your interest.

Happy Dr. King Day!
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