Magical Name

CovenShadow Craft ► Magical Name
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Magical Name
Post # 1
How do you choose your magical name?
Well for starters it should corilate with you birth numer.
I will give you a formula to find your magical name and work with it until you find something thet feels right to you.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z

I will use my own name as an example for you to follow
Suppose you like the name Draco. Using the above chart break down the words.
D=4, R=9, A=1, C=3, O=6
Now add these numbers together 4+9+1+3+6= 23
Now split 23 into two numbers and add them together 2+3=5
5 is my birth number and matches my magical name.
So Draco is the magical name I use as a spell caster
Sometimes it takes along time to find a name so dont get discurage just keep at it

-Shadow Craft-
High Priest Draco

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