Please read this my Dear family and if you can copy and paste the links near on the bottom to your profile we need to know How to save the rainforest and how to save the reefs .As well you can watch the disturbing videos how they are vanishing with insane speed and that will mean colapse of the two ecosystem which are very importnat for our planet and we depend on them for food and air and we do not count the thousand kind of animals and insect which live into them they all will be gone within ten years...It is time to act now or there will be no future for next generation. They will not have a chance to see polar bear or corals. We are all the only hope and i know i am the Guardian and my heart just feel how all that i guard die,but i will fight for a better world till my last breath that is my sacred war i shall not give up even if i bleed in thousand wounds because i do not ever give up ,that is
how i am. i worry because most people think, we do not cause it.They think it is normal and cannot be helped. And you just need to look around you to see how everything is.... everything's poluted... rivers ,seas ,air . And they say we do not cause it. We must wake up and act now tomorrow may be late...
Save the rainforest - e=related
Save the reefs -
Save your planet.
Do you care what your children will eat and breath?
Do you recycle?
Do you care for your home, your planet?
Act now or there may be not tomorrow for us .
How to save the reef read here? lore/help.html
How i can save the rainforest read here _002.htm
Please,spread the word and get more people involved .It totally make's a difference if we act NOW if we don't... who knows whats going to happen to us...
''The Earth does not belong to man, Man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected, like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is but a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.''
Re: Help Me Save The World By: GypsysHeart
Post # 2 Dec 14, 2009
I couldn't agree with you more. We need to do something about this. I can't stand to see our beautiful world being destroyed.