A.P. Question.

CovenDivine Spirits ► A.P. Question.
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A.P. Question.
Post # 1
I've done a lot of reading on astral projection and just recently worked up the nerve to try it out. I've had lucid dreams, which from what I've heard are a form of it, but I wanted ti willingly place myself on the astral plane.

Anyway, a few nights ago I followed a technique I found in one of my books. Now, after trying the technique I felt like I was in between sleep and waking. You know the time when you are just starting to wake up, but not quite awake just yet. In this state my consciousness felt like it was trying to pull away from my body, I really don't know how else to describe it. However, after a few minutes everything felt normal again and I returned to my normal state. I was just wondering if this is normal and how I can take that final step to astral projection.

Blessed Be and Brightest Blessings,

Re: A.P. Question.
Post # 2
Actually that is completely normal from what I have experienced, and and others have experienced. That final step will happen you are ready and you will push yourself without knowing it.

Re: A.P. Question.
Post # 3
That's good to know. As I said, it was my first time ever attempting something of this nature, and I was worried that I either did it wrong or was getting my hopes of. Thank you for the reply. It is much appreciated.

Blessed Be and Brightest Blessings,

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