so i was given a reading and one part of it was that the lady says demons are after me, 4 to be precise and are working together. They come and interefere with areas of my life. I knew i was being harassed but i thought just by a spirit, and it does make sense because my life lately...i have been doing things that i always question what made me do this because it is something i just don't do. That is where the demons come in. And the story about my life right now is too long and i do not want to explain.
The other part of the reading was my actual life in general, specifically my love life. So with barely telling the lady just plain nothing, she described my situation with my boyfriend (again another story) and she says that the demons have been interefering with that too. But she pulled out cards that represented me and my boyfriend and I got the queen of cups and he was the king of cups. She explained exact;y his and my personality and since i wanted to test the true powers of this woman i told he nothing at all about our personalities but she was head on. So my question is:
What does that mean when two significant others recieve the king and queen of hearts??
And what type of protection can i use against the demons??
It's simple really. For both problems. A charm or a sigil works perfectly. For these 'Demons' you talk about a charm would work perfectly..
1. Get a mundayne object that you can easily wear (A magical object works well too, just make sure you havn't charged it yet).
2. (The full moon works best for this step) Place the object on a windowpane. Leave it there overnight. As you slip into bed, focus for about 2-3 minutes or so on what you want the charm to protect you from.
3. Sleep
4. Next day, take the charm and walk about with it. The magic should protect you from the 'Lesser' demons
Re: Protect against Demons By: Chaosxbliss / Beginner
Post # 4 Aug 29, 2010
I also have had many demons out to get me before.
I use a Protection Potion and wear it on my wrists, neck and forehead and it keeps away evil spirits.
heres the recipe:
Protection Oil.
Items needed:
Bay leaves - For removing negative Energies.
Cinnamon - For Protection
Cloves - For Banishing and exorcism
Ivy leaves - For protection.
Mustard seeds - Protection
Rosemary - Purification
Sage - For wisdom and energy
Vanilla - for love (And it smells nice too, i put it in all of my potions
Wormwood, For Protection against evil spirits.
A pot or pan
Stove top.
Boil and mix, while chanting:
"Goddess, protect me long.
With your wings, hold me strong
Mother help me live on
Protect me strong
Protect me strong."
You might also want to wear a Protection rune.
If you don't know what it looks like heres a photo:
Psalm 91 is famouse for protection against demons. Google anto demon psalm. Amulets like a st Benedict medal and prayers like the vase retro SatanA may help
first and foremost salt and iron my friend, a demons worst enemy, also, since you know the demons that are after you, I suggest finding their sigil, if they bother you, burn the sigil, that should send them back to whatever it came from. if your up to it you can draw the triangle of solomon, call upon them and then banish theme just as you feel their presence. I find that to be the best solution but not everyone is willing to actually summon the thing that indangers them.