
CovenDivine Spirits ► Assessment
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Post # 1
Alright everyone. I need to know where everyone is at this point in time. I want a private message sent to me from each individual. If there is something from the list you don't know or don't understand, please let me know.

Do you understand what the Craft is really about?

Do you know the difference between witchcraft and satanism?

Do you know the difference between real witchcraft and say buffy the vampire slayer, charmed etc..?

Do you know the difference between the Craft and at least 1 other religious belief system?

Do you know why you wanted to join the craft what your true intentions were?

Do you understand the core concepts and beliefs of the craft?

Do you understand the 8 sabbats?

Do you know who to talk to when you have questions?

Do you know your tools?

Do you know how to ground an center?

Do you know how to call your quarters, Invite deity or make a sacred space?

To be a good covener, one must full engage their learning process. When the Priest or Priestess isn't available all the time to teach, you need to be finding the information and studying on your own. The Craft isn't about spoon feeding you information bit by bit. You have to take responsibility to learn more on your own. When you have questions come to the Priestess or the Priest, if they aren't available, go to the council. You should all have a Book of Shadows started by now, keep writing things down. Behave when your Priest and Priestess aren't around, and always show respect to your brothers and sisters of the craft.

Re: Assessment
Post # 2
I know not everyone here is Wiccan, or follows a path similar, so if that is the case, add to the bottom of your email that you either do not wish to learn Wicca, or that you Aren't Wiccan but don't mind learning the basics, or something to this effect.

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