I'm not going to go into detail. But I need a spell to get this guy to stop loving me. It's really effecting my life. I want him to fall in love with someone else (or just anything to draw the attention from me). How can I do this?
I've tried talking to him. It didn't work, and It's been YEARS! I just want him to be happy, and likewise for myself.
Re: Make someone NOT love u? By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 2 Dec 15, 2010
You have a problem! You don't say how near this person lives to you. But, if he is harassing you, interfering with your life, "stalking", then it is a police matter, not a magic one! Be careful. This type of obsession about unrequited love can be dangerous.
Try placing a mirror surrounded by rose petals outside of your bedroom door. The roses with symbolize the love and the mirror will redirect his emotions. Try adding a picture of him along with the petals if you have one. Also take a pink candle and carve the word DEFLECT or REDIRECT or something of that sort down the length of the candle and let it burn until all of the letters melt away.
I'm having the same issue but this guy lives 4 states away from me and I'm married and have a 1 year old son. This guy won't stop messaging me , looking my posts on fb and he is scaring me badly. I need help so he will fall in love with someone else. I dont have the means of doing spells on my own. All my money goes into my son.
Re: Make someone NOT love u? By: DezzyT / Beginner
Post # 6 Jan 11, 2019
RavenEllis, You do not need materials to cast a spell, although they do help you to get into the mindset. All you need is practice working with energy and focus. It can even be as simple as making a psi ball and sending it out to the person. A spell isnt so much about materials and words, as it is about the intent you put into it.
I will have to agree with the above statement by the moderator that if you are being harassed, feel threatened, really feel that your life is in danger or that this person will never leave you alone, call the police. You can cast a spell to suppliment, but legal action may be necessary to ensure the protection of you and your family. At the very least, a warning from law enforcement may scare the guy enough to quiet him. If he is stalking or harassing your social media, block him and have your family do the same.