I'm not sure where this should placed but this is in a way related to creating new covens.
I take it the reason why no more new covens can be created is because there are plenty of covens already here. I don't know if admins/mods are aware but MANY of these covens have not been lead by priestesses or priests in MONTHS to OVER A YEAR. I checked many of them and unless there is a huge site error in dates members check in to this website, many including many coven leaders have not been around in a very, very long time. I'm not sure if this matters to the website leaders but in case it does, I just thought I'd mention this.
It can be why some who are serious about creating new covens are frustrated as they see what I see--covens that their leaders no longer care about are still around and they can't create new ones because of these inactive-to-possibly dead covens yet still exsiting.
Also, the groups not yet considered covens, with the exception of Practical Witches, I don't think will ever make it to coven status if they have been around for awhile, going by how many of them have members. Some of those priestesses are no longer around anyway.
This is a VERY beautiful website, with genius designs, applications, color (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the lightness--easy to read, cheerful colors and not at all like the stereotypical dark & gloomy witch sites around on the Internet). The whole set up here is FANTASTIC, but many covens just need to go, or at least bring on new leadership. I wonder what are some covens doing with inactive leaders...Do they care??
Totally agree with you...I was told there would be lessons tonight but I look at the time I was supossed to and no one was teaching a thing...It ridiculous...It's not like where asking to be spoon fed anything...You should stick to your words though when you tell your coven there will be lessons. It's slightly irratating for those of us who are actually botherd to want to learn anything on here and arn't stuck up our own backside's in the sense that I've noticed some people with experience complain that they won't teach...It's totally selfish in a way...If you don't wanna teach why be part of a coven? Why not go solo instead of being arrogant and rude? I thought wiccan's were suppose to be gentle, helpful beings but I guess I may be wrong...If I'm not prove it >:(
Sorry for getting annoyed, but like I say...I'm here to be taught....not to be mucked around with lesson's and arrogant people (Yes, I do know this is the internet but that's still know excuse for rudeness so that excuse doesn't wash with me :P)
I see your point, WicceLorrie but, I know that I don't want to be in a coven online that teaches and has rules about being active because all the time that I am allowed to have on this site is dedicated to reading the forums, checking my horrorscope, occassionally using the dream interpretation part of the sate, and asking people questions about stuff I'm curious about through the forums. My opinion is, with the exception of a few topics you can learn anything you want through the forums. I'm not trying to be rude, or anything and I totally agree with you about the inactive priest/priestesses thing on the site. I think some of the more inactive covens should be deleted so it might clear the way for more active ones.
This is a issue that has been brought up many times before; and I do hope it is noticed. I cant really think of much to say on this issue, but in this there are faults as well as good ideas.
Usually the suggestions for this is finding a priest and/or priestess rated novice or above that is online often for the coven. This too, has a few faults. One being that bringing a new person into the coven that the others dont know- however, this is a good way to get to know somebody new. This may cause a little bit of trouble: council members of that coven may think they deserve to be priest/priestess in the coven due to their hard work and jealousy may be caused.
This is a post that was brought up on this subject a while ago. The flaw in Stoney's suggestion is that he suggests members rated knowledgeable/adept; which I understand. However we all know the ratings are not completely accurate.
For example, my coven, is led by two great priestesses. Nallius is rated as 'novice' but in my opinion she is knowledgeable on magic, as well as being a great leader for the coven- she is a fantastic priestess.
I just really don't want to see some random person made a priest or priestess based off their credentials on SoM rather than their use towards the coven.
I accept that we are all human, even the wonderful leaders of the site are, but human means we're flawed in our own individual ways. Whatever checks and balances Pet, kts, and the mods have set up, I hope are good ones. I want to see the dead covens flourish under leaders who know how to lead, know how to run a coven, know how to pick up a dead coven and turn it into something great.
It's just finding those leaders that is the issue.
Not to down size myself, but I am just a member. I accept that and that because of that whether my opinion matters or gets thrown to the wind is up to those in administration. I just hope that my personal expectations for who they choose as priests and priestesses isn't let down. I just hope they pick good leaders or have ways to weed out the bad after they are in leadership roles. If not, we'll have covens that are dead, coming to life for a few months if they are lucky, then dying all over again.