k, so i've been thinking about this for a while now, just felt like typing it up now, i just finished rewatching an old video i haven't seen in months, and felt like bringing this up.
Why do we hate Christians so much? i get it, i went through a phase when i started in the Craft trash talking Christians because i was wronged in the past by Christian extremest but i'm over it. sadly there are still witches, who dislike Christians, either for things that happened to witches in Salem, or just recently happened. even in my own coven some go so far as to go to church and pester them. i do get offended when Wicca is called a non-religion in the media, or people in the public eye insults witches yet i don't see why we can't just let it be. unless you are being harassed by religious extremists why start things? just leave them alone, and they'll leave us alone. the generalization that all Christians hate witches and want to harm us in some way is wrong. mind you, there are certain places i know i'll be attacked if i came out of the broom closet. it is terrible how some live in fear so we keep quiet, but hating everyone because of a few jerks isn't right. maybe it's only me, or i'm starting something, but i believe to live and let live, and unless a person came out and asks, don't tell people what you believe. i wear a pentagram, i take off religious holidays, but i don't announce it.
I don't think all Christians are evil, I have a few friends who are Christian, both are Catholic and both know I am Wiccan but, I don't go around pestering people who are Christian. I actually went to a church party with my friend and I told someone who was Christian there that I was Wiccan and all the lady said was, "Ok, may God be with you," or something like that. She never said that I was going to hell because of what I believed, she just felt sorry for me but, I'm also careful to observe someone for a long time before I tell them. If their not cool with it, I do a memory spell and everything goes back to normal after about twenty four hours at the most. I know it sounds mean but, it's self preservation.
Alot of wiccans hate Christians because they have the wrong idea about us.
There are radical Christians who believe we will go to hell
They are in fact a minority
Most people in general either laugh at us or are totally fine.
I have been ridiculed for practicing magic by people of all beliefs mainly because they won't keep an open mind and listen to my explanations. Anyhow, I'm glad you came to the conclusion you ended up with. Those who say things like that are not true Christians. Being baptized and going to church does not make them
one. They do not follow the teachings of Christ which are in essence, the sane as those of other great spiritual leaders throughout time.
I am glad to see this post here. It is nice that some of you are getting the picture. Any religion can have extremists or haters in it. I mean, many people do not even truly go by there religious practices. I preach tolerance of all beliefs :)
i'm kind of the opposite, if you;re an ignorant moron, i don't like you, i don't care what your faith is. there's this guy who's a witch and because he was born on, he keeps telling my friends and i [who converted] we are know nothings and should follow his teachings because he's a 'true witch'. i just posted the christian hatred as a generalization as well as an annoyance. in my youth i did it, but i'm older and believe in being the bigger person, do go around insulting/hating people and it probably won't happen to you.
I was a catholic myself and i got to say the religion is spiritually void. There is nothing spiritually about the faith at all it empty darkness. I would have flashes of self mutilation and constantly put myself down. I have also read the bible and when the so called loving God says to bash children against a wall i have my doubts.
Yes there are christians who are better then most. However as a whole they have caused tons of destruction. Anyone who doesn't fit into there beliefs are shunned and harassed. They meddle in USA Government a nation which is suppose to be sepeeration of Church and State.
Blacksunn, I totally disagree with you, I come from a Christian family and when I was Christian I never shunned people because they had different beliefs. There are people that do but, it's because the bible teaches people that everyone has to be exactly like them. Parents also teach their children that same exact philosophy sometimes. Why are you blaming the person when you should be blaming what people believe is written in the bible? I know people make their own decisions but, decisions are largely influenced by what we have been taught when we are little, or as adults. If your taught in second grade that one plus one equals two, you will always believe one plus one equals two, although there will always be those that say one plus one equals three, instead of two, it's how we're taught that has a large impact on our lives. I hope you understood my metaphor and I hope you realize that when Christians did these awful things a lot of times they had no choice. People were either being brainwashed or forced into what they were doing. Please do research next time before you go making broad statements about things. Sometimes you'll find that by studying a little history you will learn something, no offense intended here darksunn.
Oh blacksunn, sorry for the misspelling before, tell me one time in the past two years that the U.S. Government has actually allowed Christians to pass laws relating to their religion. There are churches every day and I know of of one who try to get praying back in school but, the government says no every time. I know of a state where Christians are trying to get evolution removed out of the school ciriculum but, that hasn't happened yet because we still have separation of church and state. I really do hope you have some hard evidence to back this up before you go making statements that are very broad without stating any proof. No offense to anyone here. I don't like Christianity and general and there are some Christians who aren't nice but why penalize the whole group with statements like this?