Imaginary entitys real?

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Imaginary entitys real?
Post # 1
So what i mean by imaginary entity is in another words imaginary friend as they usually call it. A friend of mine says that you can make an imaginary creations of ones mind into something physical , you just have to put a great amount of belief in it.Is this true?
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Re: Imaginary entitys real?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
They do not become physical. This is a frequent misconception.

The concept is called a thoughtform, and it is where frequent energy and visualization (or focused energy and visualization) becomes a spiritual entity of sorts.

Sometimes they are intentionally created. Sometimes not.

Servitors and various constructs are thoughtforms.
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Re: Imaginary entitys real?
Post # 3
I think you're talking about a tulpa
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Re: Imaginary entitys real?
Post # 4
I thinl your frend ment not phyzical, but real there is a difference, many kids actualy do this but don't realize that they do, thats the deal with imagination, as we al know the most important parts of magic are imagination and belief, now lets say your a kid, you imagine a imaginary frend, you balive that he/she is real and you visualize how it looks like, so in a way you control a entatie this sort of entaties feed of your belief so that they can survive, so as long as we pay attention to them they actualy are real, but one the astral plane, and ofcorse in most cases they let their creators sea them, so long story short you can make them real sentiant (you can make them sentiant but that would be a bit more work), you can even make them independent creatures, but I have no clue on how to do it
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Re: Imaginary entitys real?
Post # 5
Tulpa and thoughtforms are very alike, thoughtforms, however, are unable to act of their ow will, and are dependent on the creator to do things, Tulpa are thoughtforms with the ability to think, believe and judge on their own. Yes, they can be real, but only astrally, not physically. And yes, belief is extremely powerful, Tulpa, thoughtforms, servitors and Djinn feed on belief
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Re: Imaginary entitys real?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
And sometimes the spirit isn't imagined up at all, and the child or individual is just communicating with an authentic soul. Nature spirits especially love to shape shift and play with children. They also can get them into trouble that way, so it is never wise to trust a child's imaginary friend unless you are convinced they are an ancestor.
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