I know some practitioners who have done some evil spells. They claimed to have done it in the name of black magick. I believe that black magick has received a bad name because it is just a color that has been associated with evil. A lot of black magick is sorcery and energy manipulation. That isn't technically evil. No magick is evil unless its being manipulated by an evil being.
Nor necessarily. Black magick has been given a bad name because of Hollywood and the like. Black magick is like white magick. The colour is a label. A pointless category. Magick has no colour. It's not black, white, grey, blue, red, green, purple, nor any other colour. Magick is magick. Energy manipulation at the core. Magick has no colour because the energy has no colour. People may see energy in colour but that just helps us guide the energy. People classify magicks in colour categories for that exact purpose; to categorize. Magick is neither good nor evil. It can be positive or negative. Yes the intent makes it positive or negative but not good or evil. And "evil person doing "white" magick does not mean the magick is evil. People aren't evil either. Good and evil are labels as well. You are positive or negative. It all goes back to intent.
Personally, I don't think there is any 'good' or 'evil.' It's all grey matter to me- people have different definitions of good and evil, right and wrong.
Color is given to magic simply for categorizing it, to make it easier for newbies to understand the difference in intent. 'Black' was given to that of supposed negative intent, as black is seen as an 'evil' color a lot. White given to supposed positive intent due to people associating white with 'good.'
It seems that what ever we do when we practice in MAGICK is all the same Theory whether it be positive or negative...we are doing something to Bring a change in ours or some ones life,I dont think the practice of 'BLACK MAGICK' is nor Evil or Bad we must know when to apply such Acts for the rite moments,and when they are needed,how ever BLACK MAGICK can Defanitley be used to manipulate people who deserve it used on them foe the rite reasons.
Black Magick can be used for evil if used wrong. I hate how it gets a bad rep. I do some black magic and i am not evil. I know others who do it too and they're not evil.
while i have never used black magic, i agree, it's been given a bad name because most people hear 'black magic' and thing 'evil' magic has only intent. i've seen people interested in learning different types of magic [black, white, dragon, shaman ect] and i normally the answers i get as to why they want to study falls into two categories 'i feel drawn towards this path' or 'it sounds cool and i want to abuse it' [they don't come out and say abuse, but you can tell they will] like i said, i'm not a black magic practitioner so i don't know much about it, but i can relate to your plight.
I agree with what Nara said, that people have different definitions for those things. What someone may deem "wrong" someone else may deem "right". Its perspective. We tend to be quick to label things and attach connotations to those labels. Personally I think everything to be subjective and capable of being changed depending on an individual.
To say the truth, people have separated Magick by color for quite some time. Magick has no color, there is no black and there is no white Magick. Magick is basically Magick. It is just upon the intent of the spell caster. If the spell caster means to do harm then it is just the spell caster who is evil not exactly the spell.
The terms black or white magic are born from our human need to label everything we as a race are obssesed with lables look at the way we lable our practice of magic witchcraft, high magic, sorcery, ...ect we even label ourselves according to the kind of magic we practice iv never understood the need people have for lables I mean realy the only reason I call my self a sorcerer is because I got tired of explaning this to people