path to take

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path to take
Post # 1
i tryed both path of light and darkness,now i cannot decide which path to take,my decision shall be made soon,i would like if anyone can give me any advice on both paths and help me make my choice,it means a lot to me
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Re: path to take
Post # 2
Only you can choose what path you take, its a very personal decision. I hope you find it soon

Blessed be LadyO

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Re: path to take
Post # 3
Forget about making a distinction between light and dark. It'll be easier to decide.
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Re: path to take
Post # 4
besides the other path is neutral so it doesn't matter how you decide you want to go as if you eventually get a point of knowing where you stand if you don't think Dark or light then stick to neutral then you are both
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