D.J. Conway

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D.J. Conway
By: / Novice
Post # 1
not sure if anyone's heard of her, or if i'm the only unlucky soul. she's a writer, and she's witten many books, but her top seller is her dragon magick books. she's praised with being the leading expert on dragon magick, yet writes like Silver Ravenwolf [note, i don't hate Ravenwolf, but it's an apt comparison] i've researched for years dragon magic, and the only books i've been able to find on the subject are by her [i have found one other by fluke, but that one doesn't have information on rituals] many people have said she writes as though she's writing a D&D book. i've read her dragon magick books [i own them] and there's maybe one chapter of good information. the point of this snarling rant, does anyone else have an opinion on her? or know of any dragon magick books not written by her?
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Re: D.J. Conway
Post # 2
In my opinion D.J Conway is an author who doesn't let historical accuracy or solid research get in the way of churning out books on a variety of subjects. She comes across as having a chip the size of Mexico on her shoulder in regards to Christianity and will make supposed factual statements without citing sources. Her Celtic Magic and Norse Magic are largely regarded by the serious polytheist communities to be eclectic Wicca with a mildly Celtic or Norse flavour and is not an accurate portrayal of how our ancestors lived and worshipped. She seems to advocate the (entirely unsupported) idea that the pre-Christian world was a peaceful matriarchal paradise where witches were free to dance under the full moon and everybody worshipped 'The Goddess'. Then those nasty Christians came along and spoilt it all. It's just very bad, and very misleading, history.

She does write rather nice ritual prose and guided meditations however and on the back of that I assume her fiction would be somewhat entertaining.

As far as I know 'dragon magic/k' is a concept largely invented by Conway. There are a number of internet groups who are purport to practice dragon magic but they appear to have mostly based their practices and beliefs on Conway's writings. Take a look at the bibliographies in Conway's books and you might find something useful.
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Re: D.J. Conway
Post # 3
Her book on Animal Magic was okay. Most of her work is unimpressive though.
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Novice
Post # 4
yea, another thing i noticed, that i didn't mention, while i belief in equal rights [and i'm saying thing on womans day] she seems to be a very strong feminist. i haven't read her other works, but she seems to speak more of the Goddess over the God [which many wiccans seem to miss the fact this is a religion of balance, one is not greater than the other] especially in her dances with dragons sequel [i haven't read it in a few years so memories a bit hazed] most if not all the dragons she mentioned; the clans along with the ruling dragons of the elements, were female. in fact, there were a couple all female dragon clans. ok, i'll let you get away with all female clans, since i can name a few tribes and animals who have all one gender. but every single leader is female among all the dragons and the elements?

i agree, the one thing i got out of her work that was at all useful was her guided meditation in her first book. [the second books, not so much] i'm not saying someone should follow everything a person writes because being a published author makes you more educated in witchcraft than another, but i wish there were other books on the subject than hers. not just for myself but for new practitioners. even online it's tough since 'dragon magic' could link you to any number of fantasy games. [that's why i have to spell it 'magick' to up my chances of finding anything.]
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
Just thought I'd mention that I agree with most of what has been said. However the mention of dragon magic(k) coming from Conway's inventing the practice, especially since it can be traced back to ancient China. If you really want to put it in proper terms, she took what is there, screwed it all up with hsr fictitious writing, and calls her self a draconic magic(k) expert.
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Novice
Post # 6
when did anyone said she invented it? dragons are ancient beings. people claim she's the 'leading expert' on dragon magick, not the inventor. i don't think someone could be considered that since, as i stated, dragons have been around for centuries in many cultures around the world.
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
Nyktipoloi stated the concept of " 'dragon magic/k' " was invented Conway. Concept whether being an idea, practice, or any thing else is besides the point. The point is that Nyktipoloi stated it was invented by Conway which is far from truth. So that's where it was stated Conway invented dragon magic(k).
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Novice
Post # 8
oh right lol, he meant the concept not the practice.
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
I don't like her. Very watered down work that is too oversimplified to be considered useful.
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Re: D.J. Conway
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10
I agree with everything Nyk wrote. I made the mistake of buying a book concerning Norse magick by Conway and regretted it the entire way through. Most of the writing in this book seemed far off from traditional standards and I felt it wasn't anywhere near accurate.
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