
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Tulpa

Post # 1
-scratches head-
This is an awkward subject but I think you all might be interested in it. I want to talk about a thing called a tulpa.
o, I read my share of creepy stories on the internet. These are called creepypasta. One day I found a creepypasta called Tulpa. it was supposedly one of the most popular and it looked interesting. Anyway, this story was about a man who had been invited for a paid experiment at a local labratory/hospital/whatever. The scientists told him to visualize a thing called a tulpa. It's basically a imaginary friend that can recall your lost memories. Solve problems. Help you with things.

In this story the man visualized the Tulpa as himself. Which, after I researched Tulpa making online. It clearly states NOT to visualize yourself as it will cause severe personality disorder. This Tulpa eventually took over this mans life and drove him mad.

Tulpas are supposed to be copies of yourself but with a different look and a with slightly different opinions and interests. I've heard a lot of success stories with people and their Tulpas and I'm thinking of making one myself. There have also been stories of people actually making personal relationships with their tulpas. Such as friends. Basically, tulpas will stay with you as long as you feed them energy. Since you have control of your own energy and not let them have to much, they can make an valuable addition to your life.What do you think fellow, friends?

Blessed Be )0(
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 2
Interesting story. You don't have to worry about making a tulpa, just make a servitor. They are elemental beings from the astral plane that do your bidding, so I've heard. They don't take over your life if they look like you, and are OK with having the same interests as you. Well actually, since they are in a sense golems, I wonder if they even have interests. Iwill look that up sometime.
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 3
I just found out about tulpas??? someone please tell me how to make one?
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 4
Creating tulpas are dangerous. They get agendas of their own, and not very pretty ones. These are creatures where the creature outlives the creator.
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Re: Tulpa
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I have never had a discussion, or read a discussion, about thought forms, servitors, tulpas, names are endless, without someone jumping up screaming, "Don't do it!"

Maybe someone who has had a lot of experience with one should give us a down to earth lecture with advice, do's and don'ts, otherwse all of us beginners are going to have servitors that we cannot control running all over the place, because the information we can access is just so attractive.
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 6
I've never made a tulpa or servitor myself, but I'm fairly sure I understand the process. I'm under the impression that these creation are essentially a autonomous manifestation of your thoughts or intentions, so please correct me if your experiences indicate otherwise. The only danger I know of when creating these things is the possibility of their developing self-awareness and desiring freedom from their creator, which may be impossible given it is created and fed by your energy. This problem takes some time to develop, however, so a simple precaution is to assign your creation one specific purpose, such as scouting a certain area, and absorbing it back into yourself when the task is complete.

For future reference, pretty much anything on creepypasta is meant to scare you rather than educate you. The kind of tulpa that man pictures (just based on your description) appears to only exist as an aspect of his personality dedicated to a specific purpose. This is merely a way of organizing your thoughts and mental processes and poses no real danger, a true tulpa exists outside of your mind and can wander freely if you allow it. Whether a tulpa can gain a physical form is a matter of debate, though I imagine it takes a massive amount of energy no single person has. (Some psychics think creatures from urban legends are granted existence by people's belief in them, though this remains unconfirmed.)
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 7
Here is a thread I found about how to create a thought form, which I assume is the same thing as a tulpa:

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Re: Tulpa
Post # 8
I actually have a tulpa; he is like a father to me. Tulpas can be very sweet, kind, and loving. His name is James and he helps me control my anxiety disorder. Tulpas, or at least James, are not evil. I've had James since the fifth grade and I'm coming up on my eighteenth birthday and not once has he been maleviolent(pardon my spelling).
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 9
Well, when I was younger, I lived in Irkutsk, Siberia, for 2 years. Every weekend we use to go to the Baikal lake visit the hut of an old woman that I use to call Yaga (means old, if i'm not wrong. Think of the Baba yaga), even tought her actual name was Katrina. Anyway, she used to tell me a load of old histories and one that I cannot forget is about tulpas. She said that Tulpas may seem quiet and controlled, but they can go in a way that the only thing in their mund is to murder the one who created them, and use to get really violent and dangerous with time.
Still, t'is an old story and cannot remember many info about it.
Hope it has been of some use .
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Re: Tulpa
Post # 10
Im trying to control my tulpa. hes being extrordinarilly annoying lately. and i need some tips. also. jeff the killer was recently in indiana.
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