I am looking for a spell that adds a little more persuasion into my voice. I want to be able to convince people like hitler did, no not that Jews are the cause of the depression, but how he was able to inspire an entire country to become one of the strongest forces ever known. Do you guys get what I'm trying to say?
That's an if'y thing to do as it will 'make' your voice 'able' to convince someone to 'do' what they normally would NOT do. That is dark magic stuff. Even IF your desire has 'good intentions' the result would be that once your voice can 'change' peoples minds to YOUR will you will 'normally' get drunk off that power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely........
Hitler is a bad example...but I understand what you mean. Try an amulet like vegvisir. You'll have to know how to charge and evoke amulets/talisman tho, otherwise the symbol itself will do no good. Confidance alone has an extreme amount of power to persuade however, so be confidant and look them directly in the eyes. Don't shift your vision, look at one eye and lock your eyes onto it. Be positive while doing this, smile and be kind. Keep your body language open (don't cross your arms, don't touch your face or fidget, don't hold your hands together). Get a book on body language and study up, it makes a huge difference.
Confidence, charisma, character and clear body language.
Like Raven said, not a good example BUT i do know what you mean.
I do not think you need a spell, just practice. Act as though you know *exactly* what you're talking about and have full faith in what you say. Express meaning as clearly as possible in both words and body language. Be concrete in your words.
I would suggest being quite confident and maybe learning how to do public speaking. You can take speech, debate, or theatre classes for this. Also, learn eloqunce and study language. Hitler is kind if a bad example, but he was eloquent and charismatic. You do now need magick to give your voice power. You give it all the power it needs.
No you are baisicly asking for more power, and I personally think that since you spoke so highly of Hitler I am a bit afraid of what you would do if you attained power over people, but anyway its not aboat magic its aboat attitude and charisma without that no-one can be a great leader