spells for enemy

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spells for enemy
Post # 1
Yes I'm posting another question. I'm looking for a spell to pretty much make someone's life hell. I have found a few spells but they are pretty dark and I'm a little nervous about performing black magic. Is there any white spells that can make a person miserable and I mean extremely miserable without having to resort to black magic.
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 2
...you want to make somebodys life miserable with WHITE magik?
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 3
Agreed. If you want Hell, the method is gonna involve what some would describe as 'black' to a degree.

Think of this as an opportunity to overcome self-imposed limitations caused by lingual designations.
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 4
The problem is I don't have a whole lot of experience in black magick, I know a few spells but none as powerful as what I would need.
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 5
The excess of good is bad. Give the target too much good, beyond what it is capable of handling. There you go. There are limits to how much good something can take.
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 6
Isnt posible absorb some white magic and reverse it to black or somthing like that?
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 7
Yeah, but the point is to be sneaky about it.
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 8
Be reminded about the 3 fold law.
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 9
What is the 3 fold law
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Re: spells for enemy
Post # 10
Some crap that people believe in that whatever spell you do to others will comeback at you 3 fold. It can be solved by using protection spells or dark preperation spells.
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