Elemental Spells

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Elemental Spells
Post # 1
I am actually a shaman of some sorts but not practicing magic ive not been able to learn of my potential. I know i have a strong aura and that my spirit is one of nature so i would like to learn the elemental spells such as Lightning, Thunder, Fire, Etc. If anyone knows how to use those spells and could teach me i would be grateful.
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Re: Elemental Spells
Post # 2
Hy, if you want to check if you have a overdeveloped sence of awareness (magic powers), get a ciprian cross bath it in sea salt and just confess your deep secrets to it sleep with it in your right hand. And just go to the beach at night time.
and invoque the lady of the sea. theres no spells or nothing just be true and feel it.

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