beginner's coven

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beginner's coven
By: / Novice
Post # 1
why dont someone who is a little experienced person start a coven for the beginners. coz when a new member joins he can join that coven and learn the basic idea of magick, proper meditation and good side and bad side of magick. this can give a good start for them. later they can move on to other covens according to their taste. got my point? like to hear from everyone..
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Re: beginner
Post # 2
they do have a coven like that its the way of the star
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Re: beginner
Post # 3
i tried for two weeks to get into the way of the star....never got accepted i dont think.

what should happen is one "black" mage and one "white" mage start a coven, thus ensuring fairness

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Re: beginner
Post # 4
I really think this is a great idea. I hope it happens.
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Re: beginner
By: / Novice
Post # 5
when a new user sign uphe/she wont have an idea where to begin. they would be so confused. in order to avoid that, one coven should be formed where first basics like meditation and effect of magick is taught. also about different magick. so the person can choose his/her own path..
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Re: beginner
Post # 6
Yes, I agree.
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Re: beginner
Post # 7
isnt the main forum for that? beginners can ask about things in the main forum o.O and then they can chouse what coven they would join.
and there are some spells in the coven of the order they can look.

but that begginners coven is also a good idea, but wouldnt it be hard because the begginers usually ask the same questions again and again :S and there are so many, all the time new members come here, the leaders of the coven must be very active.

and I actually think its better that its hard to get to a coven because somepeople are only interested in magick for few days/months, so its better that the information is harder to get -> if someone is really interested, that person does alot for it.
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Re: beginner
By: / Novice
Post # 8
i got this idea coz when i joined this site. i did not know whom to contact, or how and where to contact. now also i still am gathering information from frm very few people.. those helped me very lot and i think one of them should start if they can.
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