What's going on

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What's going on
Post # 1
Ok I've been a witch/warlock or what ever you want to call me for around 6 years and no matter how basic the spell or how much prep I do my spell mostly fail when they don't fail they start of ok the backfire on me, the only types of magic that hasn't are physic and harmony , any advice for me or attest help with a spell that might help contacting a friendly spirit that might beable to help
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Re: What's going on
Post # 2
Warlock does not mean male witch. It means breaker of rules.
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Re: What's going on
Post # 3
Thank you for telling me that and is there parasitic term for male witch
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Re: What's going on
Post # 4
I dont think so... Parasitic? Wizard. Spellcaster. Conjurer. Sorcerer.
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Re: What's going on
Post # 5
The bad spelling to due to cross sight, it's like dislexia but in the eyes not brain
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