opinions on spirit evocat

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opinions on spirit evocat
Post # 1

For some of my spells I have considered evoking Spirits and energies and in return leaving some kind of offering for them helping me. What are your opinions on this? Have any of you successfully used this method to do spellwork? If so is it efficient? Thanks for your ideas
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Re: opinions on spirit evocat
Post # 2
Very effective in my experience, it may be a good idea to get a feel for the deity or being before working with them. Make sure you can trust them and never ever leave your circle/sacred space until they have taken their leave.

Talk to them politely and with respect and make sure the reason for calling them is well justified, as for an offering I usually leave a small glass of spring water out over night infused with my energy cast a circle around it and dedicate it to the being. However, you may have your own personal way and personal is always better.

There is a difference between evocation and invocation; if you do not know the being or something feels wrong, do not let it enter you as this would be invocation and it is only suitable for beings we can trust. Just have faith in yourself and you'll be fine. Banish afterwards.

Blessed Be.

Blessed Be.
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Re: opinions on spirit evocat
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
Do a good deal of research on conjuring and work on spirit communication before attempting evocation or invocation.

It is advanced work because it eventually becomes a working relationship with various spirits. Really once you cross that boundary you don't want to go back.

Try a trusted intelligent force such as is seen with the Norse runes first. Although the runes are by no means easy or weak, channeling energy of such "spirits" is consistent and controlled, so you know what you are getting yourself into. When you evoke for the first few times I recommend having a strong spiritual guide/guardian, physical mentor, or experienced practitioner present in case anything goes wrong. If it feels right to you to begin a relationship with a deity, you can invoke them to evict a unwanted presence that is trying to dominate you. Otherwise, a rune like Algiz or even Thurisaz invoked can be used to do so. Always have a plan A and plan B of "what if" something goes wrong.

Once you have a good trustworthy relationship going with a spirit, the hardest part is over. It's always most difficult when first starting out.
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Re: opinions on spirit evocat
Post # 4
Thank you alot for your advice. I will Research thoroughly before doing anything as I am taking this seriously.
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Re: opinions on spirit evocat
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
Good luck! :)
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