Is the magic here a sin in Christianity i thought it was only black magic but i was thinking what if it was all magic. So is it a sin to practice white and gray magic?
Re: Is the magic here a sin? By: DarkAdept / Beginner
Post # 2 Jan 12, 2014
First, you need to be wise to differentiate concepts created in each religion, so if you believe in Christianity, I think it should be a mistake to try to understand this (IN MY OPINION, and I don't need to explain why, huh?!). So, if you have a free mind, the next step would be, black and white magic..really? The only difference is what you want to do is evil or good, whatever your path or religion, etc.
Re: Is the magic here a sin? By: ConjureLady_ / Knowledgeable
Post # 3 Jan 12, 2014
Many Christians believe magic is a sin, and many more practice magic though sometimes they don't call it "magic". Some call it Gods work, others may call it Hoodoo/conjure (I'm sure there's more examples that I can't think of). Catholics practice magic regularly but simply consider the acts part of their faith (Lighting candles and saying a prayer. Offering petitions to Saints while leaving offerings, etc).
It's all about perception. What you find to be morally correct for you.
When using magick or casting a spell, I would take common sense and your views of what you believe is right and wrong. Personally, I don't believe in "sins", but I do think we all know in our hearts what's acceptable and what isn't.
Many Christians consider magic to be a sin, yes. Others do not believe in it and mock our practices with disrespect. Then there are the few who are open minded enough to believe in it. Those who fit into the third category still would differ on the concept of right and wrong. As for sin, you should know you've walked right into the Pagan's din with a Christian question. I do not believe in sin, I think it's a stupid concept quite frankly, but more sad and pitiful than stupid. There is right and there is wrong; there is also an in between. Christianities concepts limit the individual to a dual concept of things. I don't really get why you would care if Christianity condones magic. Christianity condone ignorance my fine fellow. Of course for the most part its considered a sin but if magic is a sin then so is prayer as they are the same thing in essence with a different name. As for black and white, the difference is what your intentions are. Not the magic itself, as magic is neutral. Ultimately the answer is up to you.
My honest belief on magic in regards to Christianity is that God gave us the ability to do magic. He gave us this gift. So why not use the gift he gave us?
One of my favorite plays is God Spell. For obvious reasons, it is a different interpretation of the word Gospel. I imagine the romans thought of Christians as being under God's Spell to behave as they did!!
Focused intent in prayer and magic are indeed one and the same. Both are like a phone call to God, just like a radio using different frequencys. I would suggest, because of your concern in the question itself that you work with the white and ask the Great White Brotherhood, and Angels for guidance on your path.
With blessings and light.