Is it possible

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Is it possible
Post # 1
Is it possible to become a vampire, shapeshift, and shrink/ grow your anatomy at the same time?

Re: Is it possible
Post # 2
If you want the ability to do anything that alters your genetics, I suggest getting a college degree, starting a research program, and try really hard to get a lot of funding.

As for magickally, magick abides by the laws of nature and changing one's genetic structure to that degree is very unnatural. So to answer your question shortly, No. It is not possible to do/become any of the things you listed.

Re: Is it possible
Post # 3
Not really, atleast noone has been able to do any of that, and in theory its not looking so good, but never say never

Re: Is it possible
Post # 4

No, it's not.

Re: Is it possible
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

I'm sorry, but none of the things that you have asked about and wish to do can be accomplished through magic. Magic is not going to change your DNA and make you anything other than the person you already are.

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