New to the occult :D

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New to the occult :D
Post # 1
Hey I'm cipher nine ( my code name ) and I always had this deep interest and obsession with the occult and mysteries of the world. I also have these strange things happening to me , such as flash pictures of the future before I wake up after a dream as if I have a post photographic memory which lets me see visions of the future. I also sometimes feel that my veins and nerves feel like sharp needles in the skin of my hands sometimes. But the weird part is that I got this strange name called makubriel ( a demon or outsider of some sorts) but let's move on to my interests of being an kineticist . I'm 16 and a half years old and I want to know how to manipulate the energies in the air and know how .
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Re: New to the occult :D
Post # 2
First thing is first i dont believe in kinetics its not real and if you want to become a witch start with basics like visualization,grounding,centering,meditation learn correspondences of the elements the directions and them go to correspondences of candles
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Re: New to the occult :D
Post # 3
I thought this site was part of various beliefs of the occult and spell craft, and I've seen posted spells on the energy spells list about electro kinetics but some of the things such as high concentration are required via meditation and I'll be glad to look over it plus if there is a coven of spell casters who know anything about kinetics please tell me
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Re: New to the occult :D
Post # 4


Controling the elements and objects with your mind is not possible. Period. The sharp needles in the skin and hands can be due to circulation issues of the blood, or several other things. Ask a doctor about it next time you go for a check up.

Talk to serious practitioners that work heavily with energy work.

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Re: New to the occult :D
Post # 5
Ok but where can I find these practitioners here I'm looking for an apprenticeship that is involved in energy manipulation , I would love that
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Re: New to the occult :D
Post # 6

I don't think any of them would take an apprentice. They may have some resources to get you started. I know Svipal and Sillieh work with direct energy manipulation. Send them a mail and see if they are willing to help you.



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Re: New to the occult :D
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

None of the forms of "kinesis" are real. All of them derive from a series of fantasy novels and became popular following the release of the movie Avatar, the Last Air Bender. It's true that there are spells on this site that claim to help you master kinesis. Most of them are in the Fantasy or Trick sections as they aren't real. Even the ones that haven't been moved yet are still fake spells. Not every spell on SOM is real nor will it work no matter how hard you try.

That being said, there are plenty of spells here that will work if you take the time to study how and why real magic actually works. It isn't as simple as finding a spell on here, chanting some words, and lighting a candle or two. A couple of books that would help you along your path are:

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig.

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Re: New to the occult :D
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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