Strengthening Tulpas

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Strengthening Tulpas
Post # 1
I have a tulpa that I've had for a really long time, but I want to see if there's a way to make him stronger(clearer to perceive). I spend a lot of time with him, but I still see and hear like one would an imaginary friend. I know he's a tulpa by our interactions. Is there a way to make him stronger?
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Re: Strengthening Tulpas
Post # 2
hi Sara,
I do have experience with tulpa, but based on your question, I would like to ask, do you know what you're getting into? I do not mean to belittle your possible knowledge on magic, but tulpa are extremely unstable creatures, you can keep a sentient tulpa as a servitor for several years, but minor tulpa can be corrupted by the slightest provocation and one should learn to instantly dissolve tulpa into the energy around them before making a tulpa strong enough to physically manifest, if you can reply to this and say that you fit all the above requirements so you know what you are doing, I can tell you, but tulpa creating is advanced magic, as it creates a being with emotions, thoughts and expression, they are just like us, given enough power and an inexperienced creator, they can cause great devastation.
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Re: Strengthening Tulpas
Post # 3
Instead of maiking him easier to see make it easier to see him/her (and I know that your thinking what does that even mean, as said before maiking a tulpa sstronger could be dangerous, but you can make it easier to see by practising your sight of the astral plane, cause it is where these thing's typically reside, it is posible to see much more than just him/her, so if you see something scary when your geting the hang of it don't freak it was already there)
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Re: Strengthening Tulpas
Post # 4
If you are talking about turning your tulpa into a diety then you would worship it just as you would any diety. Absolute faith. Dedication. Offerings. Rituals. Praying. Obeying. And if you dont want to beleive in it anymore than simply stop. Any good deity will not force you to worship it against your will unless you beleive that. And why would you want to beleive that right? Totaly. This is one way you could make him stronger.
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Re: Strengthening Tulpas
Post # 5
I've had him for many years; he's actually saved my life once or twice. I'm not one of those people who think that tulpas are toys. I recognize that they are more than that.
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