
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Voices
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Post # 1
I know it sounds weird, but I had these voices in my head. They mostly went away but sometimes I catch them saying something like they're having a conversation. They sort of helped and I liked them. Do you know how I can get them back fully or just explain why I had them?

Re: Voices
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I have the same thing too. Is it usually around the time you go to sleep? Is it more than two voices, having multiple conversations at once?

Re: Voices
Post # 3
No, it is during normally through out the day and it is one main one and about four side ones that pop in at random times. And they don't really have conversations at the same time, and if they do have conversations, I barely hear them.

Re: Voices
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
Hmm. I have no clue why it happens, I was just curious.
I think I read somewhere that it's your brain replaying all the conversations you've heard over the course of the day, but I don't think that would make sense in your case (or mine for that matter).

Re: Voices
Post # 5
Some believe it is a deity speaking to them giving them advice or that they are spirits trying to tell you something. Others believe it is your own mind either a physcological thing like scitzofrenic effects or your own abilities such as your six sense trying to tell you something.
What I have is somewhat diffrent what you girls have and I know why but I can't really say what is going on with ya'll. could be any of those, people have diffrent experiences with these sort of things.
If it's your six sense/ third eye then work on improving the abilities of your mind.
I hope I was of help.

Re: Voices
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
Thanks Athena!

Re: Voices
Post # 7
I can't really see a psychologist because usually when I try to talk to them or ignore them they hurt my head/other body part.

Re: Voices
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
@Arachne, what in the world are you talking about?

Re: Voices
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9

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