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Post # 1
Hey guys I wanted to no if my family ever had any magic but I don't no how to trace my bloodline back
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Re: Bloodline
Post # 2
I dont think that your magic ability comes from your bloodline. I think it depends on how old your soul is and how advanced you became in magic in those past lives. I think.
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Re: Bloodline
Post # 3
Though certain traditional witch families do exist, you would or should know if yours is the case as chances are they're still practicing it. Magick does not amplify with certain bloodlines. Such a thing is simply not true. Anyone can perform magick with staggering effects. So long as they have the knowledge and the perseverance to accomplish said feats. It is not by blood in which magick is amplified but by virtue.
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Re: Bloodline
Post # 4
Namaste I apologize but I'm not sure how far you could track your ancestry, however I've traced my own soul's past lives before I even learned how old my soul was through meditation and looking into myself I'm sure it should just be as simple to find your ancestors with the same trick either that or just search for records as for the meditation it's as simple as concentrating on what you want to know during meditation might not work depending on your chakras though, Magic is within all of us it is simply one's will power on the universe there are just some that are more in tune with their inner or higher selves which allows for greater use of magic and this can indeed be passed down throughout bloodline(s)because it is all energetic which is why past life overlap can be possible I hope this information has been useful to you good luck.
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Re: Bloodline
Post # 5
This was all very helpful thank you all
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Re: Bloodline
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Hannie, each of us has the ability to learn to do magic if we are willing to put in the hard work and study to master the skills necessary. Whether you have ever had anyone in your ancestry who has been a magic user is immaterial. Even if you never had another magic user in your family you can still be one.

Think of it this way. One could have lots of people in their ancestry who were great piano players and you might have all the innate talent you need to be able to master it. But unless you put in the time, practice, and very hard work to learn to play the piano you will never be a pianist.

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