Dreaming Leviathan

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Dreaming Leviathan
Post # 1
The title is self explanatory. In my dream last night, I saw series of weird dreams.I can't recall all of them, but in one(I think I was dreaming of the ancient times)I suddenly turned to see the sea, and then I saw a huge sea monster swimming around.It had red eyes and fangs.The sea was also stormy, and thunders were falling.
Anyway, it scared me and then I woke up.Do you think the dream carries any meaning?
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Re: Dreaming Leviathan
Post # 2
Sea- deep unconscious
monster- fear of the unknown/ problem/ ongoing issues
colour red- anger/ manipulation/ fear
storm- discontent/ disconnect

Interpretation: You have a problem in your physical life that has caused you anger, despair, depression. Your mind is trying to solve it, but it seems to be unsolvable-- or a solution is far from your capabilities. Seek out a new solution, one that even scares you to fix your problems.
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Re: Dreaming Leviathan
Post # 3
Different people and paths have different beliefs and opinions on dreams. I usually interpret any dream with sea creatures and storms to mean, do not go out on the water anytime soon. However, sometimes it means what the previous post says and sometimes it is just a dream.
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Re: Dreaming Leviathan
Post # 4
Actually that is exactly what is happening to me, IsisHP. However a new solution wouldn't scare me, it would hurt my feelings.Should I proceed anyway? What do you think?
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Re: Dreaming Leviathan
Post # 5
This dream is telling you that it needs closure. I think you should try to end it, even if it'll hurt your feelings. One of the best things you can do is to try. Even if it ends in failure, you can be proud of yourself for taking action against it.

Good luck! :)
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